Privacy Policy

What Happens With My Data?

We store and process the data you provide us with in order to provide you with information about Volt activities and enable you to join and participate in our organization.

Who Can Access My Data?

Only personnel authorized by Volt Europa may access your data. This may include national/local chapters of Volt Europa and accredited subprocessors.

What About Data Analysis?

We may use your data in an aggregated and anonymized way to conduct data analysis.

What Are My Rights?

You can always contact our Data Protection Officer and ask for your data to be corrected or deleted. You may also contact your local supervisory data protection authority.

Why do we collect data?

Volt Europa will collect and process the data you provide us for the following purposes:

We collect data for the solely reason of creating a product (ticket) under the provided personal data of yours.

Website usage data, tracking and cookies

As you navigate through and interact with our Website, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns, including: Details of your visits to our Website, including, but not limited to, traffic data, geolocation data, logs and other communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Website. Information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system and browser type. The information we collect automatically is statistical data and may include Personal Information. It helps us to improve our Website and to deliver a better and more personalized service, including, but not limited to, by enabling us to: Estimate our audience size and usage patterns. Store information about our audience preferences, allowing us to customize and improve our Website. Recognize you when you return to our Website.

For tracking your visit we use software from Matomo Analytics and InnoCraft, Wellington, New Zealand. The data are processed on our server and not transfered to the supplier.

A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device. It may contain certain data, including, but not limited to: the name of the server that has placed it there, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and, an expiration date (some cookies only). Cookies are managed by the web browser on your computer (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome).

Different types of cookies which have different purposes are used on our Website.

Essential Cookies: These cookies are essential to allow you to browse our Website and use its functions. Without them, services such as shopping baskets and electronic invoicing would not be able to work.

Performance Cookies: These cookies collect information on the use of our Website, such as which pages are consulted most often. This information enable us to optimize our Website and simplify browsing. Performance cookies also enable our affiliates and partners to find out whether you have accessed one of our websites and what you have done there. These cookies do not collect any information which could be used to identify you. All the information collected is aggregated, and therefore anonymous.

Functionality Cookies: These cookies enable our Website to remember the choices you have made when browsing. For example, we can store your geographical location in a cookie so that the Website corresponding to your area is shown. We can also remember your preferences, such as the text size, font and other customizable aspects of the Website. Functionality cookies may also be able to keep track of the products or videos consulted to avoid repetition. The information collected by these cookies cannot be used to identify you and cannot monitor your browsing activity on sites which do not belong to us.

It is possible that you will comes across third-party cookies on some pages of sites that are not under our control. You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting in your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website.

How will we process your payments?

In order to become a member and retain your membership status, you will be asked to pay a membership fee. Third parties such as PayPal or Stripe may be intermediaries of your transaction, and will act as a controller with this regard. Both providers are ensuring by adequate means the safeguard of your rights and compliance with the EU law also when processing your data outside of the European Economic Area.

Volt Europa will, in any case, use the data about your payment to comply with its legal and billing duties under the applicable laws, and to check if you have regularly paid your membership fee.

How is your data processed?

We process your data for the following purposes: Broadcasting newsletters and calls for support: we will use the email address you provide us in order to send you these communications. You can choose the language of the communications directed to you by selecting your preferred language in the electronic form, and we will use data about your country and city in order to send you updates related to the related geographical area. Finally, we will monitor the outreach of our messages and take oriented decisions in the running of our media campaigns, by registering information such as if you have read the email we sent you, and we will use the use the previous interactions you had with us (such as the petitions you have signed, or your donation).

Stickers delivery, mail delivery, and canvassing: we will use your physical address to send you our stickers, which will be delivered by our volunteers. If you consented to it, we will further process your data in order to send you our updates by post, or to allow our local volunteers to visit you.

Gaining support for our petitions: when signing our petition, we will use the data you provide us to add you to the supporters list of the petition you have signed.

Donations: when donating to us, PayPal or Stripe will be the intermediary of your transaction, and will act as a controller with this regard. Volt Europa will still process the data about your donations to comply to its legal and billing duties under the applicable laws, and to personalise the calls for support we send you. If you donate a cumulative amount of money that exceeds the value of 3000€ over the period of a year we will make your identity publicly available, previous your explicit consent, and in line with the provisions of our donation policy. If you refuse, the total amount of your donation will be returned to you.

Finally, we use cookies, clear gifs, and log file information to: (a) remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the site; (b) monitor the effectiveness of our Service; (c) monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns; (d) diagnose or fix technology problems reported by our users or engineers that are associated with certain IP addresses; (e) help you efficiently access your information after you sign in, and (f) enhance our Website security.

On which basis are we processing your data?

Supporters & Volunteers: We process your data based on your consent, pursuant to art. 9.2(a) GDPR.

Members: We process your data in the course of our legitimate activities and because of your membership status within our organisation, on the basis of article 9.2(d) GDPR. Data analysis are conducted on the basis of article 9.2(f) GDPR.
If you consent to become a European Team Member, your data will be processed on the basis of 9.2(a) GDPR.

Data analysis is conducted pursuant to art. 9.2(f) GDPR.

Where, how and for how long will my data be stored?

We store your data on servers administered by Volt Europa or our subprocessors. Adequate safeguards and legal, technical and organisational measures have been taken in order to guarantee the security of your data.

Your data will be stored for as long as you are a Supporter, Volunteer or Member of our organisation. If you terminate your relationship with Volt Europa, we will delete your data without undue delay, unless we are legally required not to do so (e.g. due to laws or court orders), or if we are entitled to further store your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

For the purpose of data analysis, aggregated or anonymized subsets of your data may be stored separately. Since this data does not contain personally identifying data, it may be stored and processed after your original dataset has been deleted.

Who has access to your data and to whom is it disclosed?

Supporters: Your data will get access by authorised members of our staff, on a need-to-know basis.

Members & Volunteers: Any data you provide us with in your application may be disclosed to our HR staff, Legal staff and Board of Directors, for the purpose of taking a decision about your membership application.
Once registered as a legal member of our movement, your data will be available to our communication staff, the city lead of your city; the Expansion Team of your country; your team lead, if you are a European Team member. These members of our staff will get access to your data only as far as it is needed to carry out their tasks (e.g, communication staff will handle your contact information as far as needed to deliver you our updates). Our staff will never disclose any of your personal data outside of our organisation, unless you have consented to it.

Data stored for statistical analysis is made available in a unidentifying form to select members of our staff, contractually bound by a duty of confidentiality.

Finally, our own IT staff and the staff of our subprocessors may need to access your data for the purpose of running and maintaining the services we rely on. If so, we make sure that this happens under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality.

International Transfers and Additional Safeguards

When communicating with you, or when you become a European Team member, we might use some service provider located outside of the European Economic Area. We always avail of services which guarantee compliance with the EU law and the effective exercise of your rights. You can find more information about in the related data protection notices, freely accessible from our website.

How can you exercise your rights?

Supporters: You can erase your data at any time, by unsubscribing from our newsletter or by contacting us directly. You can access and rectify your personal data by clicking on “update my preferences” at any time, or by contacting us directly.

Volunteers: You can always withdraw your consent, or forward a request to erase your data, by getting in contact with us at any time.

Members: You can always terminate your membership, or forward a request to erase your data, by getting in contact with us at any time, and pursuant to the Statute of our organisation.

You can access and rectify your personal data by contacting us directly, at
Volt Europa A.I.S.B.L., Rue Defacqz 92-94, B-1060 Brussels

Finally, for every complaint you can always contact our Data Protection Officer at

Right to lodge a complaint

You are entitled to have recourse at any time to the National Supervising Authority of your country. A list of the National Authorities of every EU Member State and their contact details can be found here.