This page is a Q&A dedicated specifically to everything related to accessibility and inclusion. If there is something missing that might mean you attend, or a question you have, please contact:
Is there overlap with a religious holiday or festivity?
No there is not, but it’s close to Flag and Liberation day which are on the 28th and 29th of November.
Is the GA during or just before exam period or during holidays?
Is the timing also suitable for people that have caring jobs?
On the weekend, which seems like the most viable option to have most people be able to attend.
Is the timing compliant with public transport, so that people can attend in person?
Public transport in Albania heavily depends on taxis and other motorised transport. Taxis drive 24/7, buses operate on a schedule with stops in the night. From the airport there is a direct shuttle to Tirana city centre for only around 4 euro.
Does the room allow people everywhere to hear and see the stage?
Yes, the room allows for this in theatre set up.
Are there microphones for presenters and the audience?
Yes, a sound system is in place.
Is there a working magnetic induction loop for sound transmission and does it cover the whole audience?
Does the venue have any historic significance to groups that therefore might feel unwelcome?
Or on the contrary, does the place have a positive historical significance in the history of struggle of certain groups for equal rights that could be highlighted?
Yes, the Tirana International Hotel was built in 1979 during communism in Albania. The hotel was designed by Valentina Pistoli, an Albanian architect born in Korce, as commissioned to her by the Albanian government. The building was one of the biggest constructions in Albania during communist times, and it was open only to a few people from outside Albanian borders like business representatives and foreign government officials. In the 1980s, the Tirana International Hotel was a popular meeting place for members of the Politburo, as secret underground escapes were made for their safety.
Is there food included? If so, can you make sure there is a wide range of food and drinks (vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal, gluten free, lactose free, sugar free, alcohol free etc) and that all precautions are taken to avoid potential cross-contamination between foods in the case of strong intolerances (e.g. coeliac disease)?
Food will be paid for separately. A special menu can be requested to accommodate these wishes. Halal food is readily available, as Albania is a Muslim-majority country.
Are there labels with food information?
Yes, food is labelled although general food safety standards in Albania are lacking compared to EU countries. Additional caution from the hotel shall be required, but as a big international-minded venue is selected they can be accommodating to this.
Is it possible to create a quiet room for people to rest from over-stimulation, meditate or pray?
An additional room can be added for this.
Is it possible to create a room for nursing mothers?
An additional room can be added for this.
Is there a public transport connection?
There are busses and taxis going to Tirana, as well as direct shuttle connections from the airport as mentioned before.
Are there parking spots (or do you advise people to travel with public transport)?
Parking is possible in Tirana and at the hotel.
Is the public transport system accessible to disabled people, whether they have reduced mobility or other disabilities, and does it provide clear and comprehensive information about accessibility and, where necessary, assistance?
No, Albania has a poor public transport system. Additional transport will have to be hired and added to the budget for people with disabilities. Usually, car rental services are cheap and taxis should offer disability services, available in case it is required.
Is every room accessible (e.g. are the corridors wide enough for wheelchairs)?
Is there a suitable wheelchair ramp to get onto the stage (if needed)?
This will be arranged.
Are there elevators for people to get to the locations?
Are the interruption/question microphones accessible for everybody (e.g. wheelchairs)?
Yes – this will be arranged
Are there disability toilets?
There is a bathroom on the first floor, but no disabled bathroom.
Are people with disabilities able to sit between other people, whether to attend the GA or to take meals?
Is the space overly distracting? Will the space be comfortable for neurodiverse people?
No, the space seems to be quite calm, with a “marble fancy feel” to it. There’s only a small pattern on a wall. The ceiling has some pattern and some fancy lights that might distract slightly, but no flashing lights. There’s some paintings on the wall, but they are generally monotone in colour. The outside windows face greenery.
Is there a possibility to stream the sessions for people that are not able to attend in person? If so, will you ensure that live subtitling of the exchanges can be provided?
Yes, this is possible and translation can be done live to 7 languages.
Is it possible to record the sessions?
Is there elevator access to all areas?
Is there a possibility for audio and visual signs to different rooms?
Visual signs are present, but no audio signs.